Aaron Bartos: le sue impressioni

Pubblicato il: Lunedì 18 giugno 2018

Abbiamo il piacere di pubblicare le impressioni di Aaron Bartos, apprezzato amico, nonché cornista della Civica Filarmonica di Lugano. Aaron ha terminato gli studi al Conservatorio di Lugano e dopo alcuni anni con noi è ritornato nella sua terra, gli Stati Uniti d'America. Prima di partire, ed era il 17 giugno 2017, ha voluto esternare le sue impressioni su di noi. Che volentieri riportiamo da Facebook dopo esattamente un anno. Grazie di cuore Aaron !!!!


"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that music is the universal language. 

Today marked the last concert I had with the Civica Filarmonica di Lugano.  Most of you who know me will know I'm TERRIBLE with languages, especially my Swiss/Italian/German friends!  Learning even the tiniest bit of Italian was not quick for me, and after three years, my Italian still is terrible (Stefano Bertoni knows this very well.)

I was asked to play with the Civica prior to their big concert in Utrecht in the Netherlands last year, starting in February.  My friend Konrad and I had no idea what we were getting into, except that it was Switzerland's best Wind Band.  While we didn't win that competition, we managed to secure the "Best Section in Europe" award for the horns, which was an incredible honor.  In my time with Civica, we traveled to Utrecht, Amsterdam, Riva del Garda, and several more places with this ensemble, and each one was an adventure.

From day one, playing in the ensemble was different.  It was professional, and since I didn't speak Italian well, communicating was difficult.  But the one thing that worked well was music - Play in tune, play in time, follow the principal horn.  Take cues from the conductor, learn the key phrases of "You're a little loud" or "You're a little sharp", etc. 

In very little time, I found this ensemble to be incredibly welcoming, and began to feel a form of kinship with the members.  Concerts were a festival, competitions were an absolute joy.  

Regardless of my language skills, I felt I was inducted into a family.  Whether we were dancing in a club in the Netherlands, or making pasta on the balcony of a hotel at 3 am, nobody was ever a stranger.  And even if I butchered my sentences trying to communicate, everyone did their best to understand exactly what I meant, often helping me along.  The next day, we'd play our concert or competition, or rehearsal, and regardless of what language we spoke, we all understood each other. 

To me, this is something that I'm not sure I'll experience again, or at least not in this same form.  And I can't help but smile when I think of my time with this ensemble.  There's nothing better than playing with Switzerland's Best Wind Orchestra. 

There's a lot of people I have to thank.  I have to start with the crazy section I was a part of. 

Stefano Bertoni and Angelo Orsini - our principals, Cristini Pini and Filippo Zaltron - our second horns, Claudia Lissoni - the third, and Alberto Saibene and Konrad Markowski - our fourth horns.

This section was wonderful, from helping me with Italian to giving me some inspiration on the horn.  A truly amazing group of people to work with, I can't think of a better section that I'd want to be in. 

Rinaldo Bernasconi and Luca Bariffi for the countless drinks, rides home, and conversations after rehearsals, giving an amazing sense of comradery. 

And of course, Franco Cesarini for giving me the chance to play in his wonderful ensemble, and for being incredibly kind and understanding during certain situations. 

There are a whole group of people I can't name off because there's just too many - I'd name off every person in the orchestra if I could. 

Civica was something very special to me, and I'm very sad to have to leave it.  The memories will be something that I cherish, always. 

Forza Svizzera, Forza Civica di Lugano!"

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Concerto - Civica Filarmonica Lugano

Concerto per la Festa della mamma

Ore 10:30 - 11:30, Piazza della Riforma, Lugano
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Festa cantonale della musica - Civica Filarmonica Lugano

Esibizione in categoria "Eccellenza" a giudizio

Ore 13:30 - 14:15, Faido
Festa cantonale della musica

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